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Mud Pies 英國升學顧問

 British School Consultancy (P1-P6+) 

在Mud Pies,家庭是第一位的。選擇海外升學是一個非常重要的決定。我們的工作是確保在尋找理想的英國學校過程中,孩子和家人都得到全力支持。我們提供全面的英國學校諮詢服務,學術課程以使學生為進入英國學校做好準備,英國一些頂尖學校和大學的暑期住宿課程以及定制禮節和生活技能課程,以確保學生從一開始就適應英國的學校生活。我們所做的一切都為學生及其家庭的生活做好了充分的準備,使他們能夠找到合適自己的英國校園生活。自2007年以來,我們一直在為父母就英國學校的學校和生活提供建議。 Liz來自英國埃文河畔斯特拉特福,先後在沃里克的Emscote Lawn預備學校就讀,隨後在斯塔福德郡的Abbots Bromley女子學校就讀。Liz說:“要在11歲時進入寄宿學校並不容易,但我很喜歡回顧寄宿學校的生活。我一直很感謝我學到的技能,獲得的獨立性以及在學校為我帶來的機會。 ” 在Mud Pies,我們從個人經驗中了解到,對於正在考慮搬到英國的家庭和學生來說甚麼是重要的。我們有一系列適合大多數需求的服務。點擊此處預約30分鐘免費電話諮詢


Abingdon School

ACS Cobham

Badminton School

Benenden School

Bloxham School

Cheltenham Ladies College

Chigwell School

Cranleigh School

Harrogate Ladies College

Lancaster Grammar School

Roedean School

Rugby School

Sevenoaks School

St Swithun's School

Tonbridge School

Truro School

Uppingham School

Wycombe Abbey


At Mud Pies, families come first. Choosing a boarding school overseas can feel like a giant leap of faith.  Our job is to ensure that both the child and family are fully supported throughout their search for the ideal British boarding school. We offer a comprehensive British school advisory service, academic courses to prepare students for entry into British schools, residential summer courses in some of Britain’s top schools and universities and bespoke etiquette and life skills courses to ensure students fit into British school life from day one. Everything we do prepares students and their families perfectly for life at a British school. Since 2007, we have been advising parents on schools and life in British schools. 

Liz is from Stratford upon Avon in the U.K. and attended Emscote Lawn Preparatory School in Warwick followed by Abbots Bromley School for Girls in Staffordshire. Liz says, "Settling into boarding school at the age of 11 wasn't easy but I look back at boarding school life fondly. I always appreciate the skills I learned, the independence I gained and the opportunities that were opened to me at school." 
At Mud Pies, we understand, from personal experience, what is important for families and students who are considering the move to a school in the U.K. We have a range of plans suitable for most needs. Click here to book a FREE 30-minute telephone consultation to get started.

List of schools that our students are attending

Abingdon School

ACS Cobham

Badminton School

Benenden School

Bloxham School

Cheltenham Ladies College

Chigwell School

Cranleigh School

Harrogate Ladies College

Lancaster Grammar School

Roedean School

Rugby School

Sevenoaks School

St Swithun's School

Tonbridge School

Truro School

Uppingham School

Wycombe Abbey

**N.B. We work for the family and in the family and child's best interests. We are not influenced by commissions or marketing fees from schools.

FREE 30-minute telephone
consultation to get started
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